This application will help you to calculate simple and compound interest, interest rate. you can also forecast interest amount with the help of this application.
You can manage your interest ledger(interest book or byaj book) with the help of this application.
Multiple language support
Interest calculators:
there are 4 calculator in the application that will help you in interest related calculations.
•Simple interest
•Compound interest
•Interest rate
•Interest forecast
Interest Ledger(Interest book or byaj book):
You can manage your interest ledger or interest book with the help of this application.
•You will be able to add customers to whom you paid or from whom you took money.
•Add customers from your contacts or you can create new one.
•Customer search option
•Add transactions for the customers
•Edit Customer and Transactions
•Delete Customer & Transactions
Ledger overview:
•You can see overall ledger overview in the ledger tab.
•You can see ledger overview for a specific customer.
Part Payment Feature:
This feature will help you to manage partial payments or interest payments that happened before final settlement.
Transaction Settle up:
This will help you maintain the completed transaction for future reference.
Auto calculate interest:
App will auto calculate the interest amount on daily basis for the ledger entries that you have added.